Brazil launches DNA bank for endangered plants
Paulo Rebêlo 16 June 2004 Source: SciDev.Net Brazil has opened a DNA bank to preserve genetic material of its endangered plant life. Its goal is to help protect rare plants […]
Paulo Rebêlo 16 June 2004 Source: SciDev.Net Brazil has opened a DNA bank to preserve genetic material of its endangered plant life. Its goal is to help protect rare plants […]
Não existe nem feira no município que tem os piores indicadores de mortalidade infantil e renda de Alagoas e IDH dos mais baixos do país Perfil do Município Área: 304,1 […]
Em Pernambuco, cidade de menor Desenvolvimento Humano do país tem renda per capita de R$ 30 e esperança de vida de 57 anos Paulo Rebêlo Revista Carta Capital / PNUD […]
Paulo Rebêlo 20 February 2004 Source: SciDev.Net [RECIFE] Brazilian scientists are campaigning to reduce the bureaucracy involved in bringing scientific equipment into the country. In a declaration to be presented […]
Paulo Rebêlo and Katie Mantell 30 January 2004 Source: SciDev.Net [RECIFE] The Brazilian government has negotiated a US$5 million reduction in the fees it pays to allow many of the […]
Paulo Rebêlo 14 January 2004 Source: SciDev.Net [RECIFE] A failure by the Brazilian government to provide much-needed new teaching and research posts in universities is preventing many researchers with doctoral […]
Paulo Rebêlo Ultimamente tem sido comum ouvir falar em “Digital Divide”. Entretanto, poucos ainda conhecem o real significado da expressão e sequer imaginam a importância do conceito e as […]