Brazil Counting on a Net Gain
Paulo Rebêlo Wired News February 2001 The government’s desire to democratize the Internet moved into high gear this month when it announced a project for producing a computer that would […]
Paulo Rebêlo Wired News February 2001 The government’s desire to democratize the Internet moved into high gear this month when it announced a project for producing a computer that would […]
Paulo Rebêlo | fevereiro.2001 A Microsoft promete lançar, até o fim deste ano, o Internet Explorer 6.0. O DIARIO teve acesso à uma versão beta (para testes) do novo navegador […]
Paulo Rebêlo Wired News February 2001 Thanks to last year’s boom of Internet service providers that offered free access, Brazil became the South American country with the highest number of […]
Paulo Rebêlo // março.2002 Quando foi a última vez que você convidou alguém do sexo oposto para ir ao cinema? Não vale namorada/noiva/esposa, amizades coloridas ou parente. Até porque, sabemos […]
Paulo Rebêlo Wired News January 2001 On the surface, Universo Online appears to be just another Internet service provider failing to turn up a profit. Bad news on the bottom […]
Paulo Rebêlo Wired News January 2001 In an attempt to bridge the country’s digital divide, the Brazilian Congress last week approved a bill that would ease the tax burden of […]
Paulo Rebêlo Wired News January 2001 Considering Brazil has the world’s sixth largest television audience, it wasn’t surprising the Brazilian government mentioned the medium’s 50th anniversary on its homepage. “Remove […]
Paulo Rebêlo Wired News January 2001 When the Spanish bank Santander bought the debt-ridden, state-owned Banespa Bank in São Paulo, it was another indicator the Spaniards were re-conquering the New […]
Paulo Rebêlo // dezembro.2000 Em continuidade às crônicas anteriores, onde abordamos invenções na área de relacionamentos, vejamos agora o que poderia ser inventado no setor de gastronomia, meu predileto.
Paulo Rebêlo // dezembro.2000 PARA OS HOMENS – Todo mundo já viu propaganda na TV sobre aparelhos auditivos para surdos, aqueles cotocos grudados na orelha. Por que não ainda inventaram […]